Corporate Tax Refund

Kurumlar Vergisi İadesi

Corporate Tax Refund, Article 121 of the Income Tax Law and Article 44 of the Corporate Tax Law; Taxes deducted according to the Income/Corporate Tax Laws from the income and revenues included in the income shown in the declaration will be deducted from the income/corporate tax calculated on the tax return, if the amount deducted is more than the income/corporate tax, the difference will be notified to the taxpayer by the tax office and it will be one year from the date of notification of the taxpayer. It was stated that upon his application, he would be rejected and returned.

According to Income Tax Communiqué No. 252[1], the tax withheld for the year is deducted from the tax amount calculated based on the income or corporate income declared in the annual return. In order for the deduction to be made, the tax withheld must be related to the income or earnings included in the return.

will be satisfied without obtaining an audit report and without providing a guarantee, regardless of the amount of the claim for deduction from other tax liabilities of the remaining portion deducted by withholding at the end of the annual return deduction . (Exemption Refund)

Part of the cash refund application up to lira 100,000 will be refunded according to a full certification report prepared by a sworn financial advisor who has timely drawn up a full certification agreement with the taxpayer. The refund of the portion of the refund application that exceeds lira 100,000 is subject to the results of the tax audit report prepared by the inspector. (Cash refund)

“Must be filed within one year from the date of notification to the taxpayer.”

Corporate income tax refund

Repeating Section 120 of the Income Tax Act. Interim taxes incurred and collected quarterly are deducted from the income tax determined in the annual return, and the non-deductible amount is deducted from the taxpayer’s other tax obligations. At the end of the year, the taxpayer may be denied or denied. I was instructed to redeem. These principles also apply to corporate taxpayers.

Temporary tax paid during the temporary tax period of the accounting period is deducted from the income tax or corporate tax calculated on the annual return. In order for the deduction to take place, the provisional tax incurred must be paid. Provisional tax not paid during the provisional tax period cannot be deducted from income tax and corporate tax on the annual return.

If the amount of one-off tax paid exceeds the income tax or corporate tax calculated on the tax return for the period, the non-deductible amount will be deducted from the taxpayer’s other tax liability. According to the repeated provisions of Section 120 of the Income Tax Act, no written request is required for the deduction to be made. Such deduction shall be made ex officio by the competent tax office taking into account the provisions of Article 47 of Law No. 6183.

The fact that the amount to be refunded as a result of the deduction has been determined and this amount has been included in the relevant table of the return will be accepted as a refund claim from the taxpayer. Any interim tax deductions or cash refunds not indicated on the respective table/row of the annual return must be applied for in writing before the end of the year. There is no deduction or cash limit on the refund amount of the provisional exemption, it is sufficient that the provisional tax has been paid. A provisional tax refund application does not require a security or audit report.

How to Make a Corporate Tax Refund Request?

Taxpayers can apply for passive deductions through the Internet Tax Office, through the Income/Corporate Income Tax Refund Application Form (GEKSİS)/Debt Exemption Application menu, or by submitting an application directly to the Tax Office.

What is corporate tax?

Corporate Income Tax is a tax levied on the profits of a corporation. A corporation subject to corporate income tax must have legal personality. A legal entity is considered a legal entity and is a taxpayer. Sole proprietorships do not pay corporate tax.

How is corporate income tax calculated?

Corporate income tax is calculated on the net corporate income earned by the taxpayer during the accounting period. A corporate taxpayer must pay provisional tax every three months he four times a year. Taxes paid in the interim tax period are deducted as prepaid tax from the income tax incurred at the end of the relevant financial year.

How to Get Corporate Tax Refund?

In order for the temporary tax not shown in the relevant part of the annual declaration to be refunded by deduction or in cash, an application must be made electronically by the end of that year, using the relevant standard petition attached to the General Communiqué of the Tax Procedure Law No. 429.

Request Your VAT Refund Until the End

“In the 32nd article of the Law No. 3065, the VAT calculated on the taxable transactions of the taxpayer, of the VAT shown on the invoices and similar documents related to the transactions that are exempted from tax in accordance with Articles 11, 13, 14, 15 and (17/4-s) of the Law. In the event that there are no taxable transactions or the calculated tax is less than the tax to be deducted, the non-deductible VAT will be refunded to those who perform these transactions in accordance with the principles to be determined by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, provided that it is requested until the end of the second calendar year following the period in which the transaction took place.[ 2]

Accordingly, taxpayers who will request a refund must fill in the VAT column for the exemption in the relevant period declarations until the end of the second calendar year following the period of the transaction subject to the exemption, and at the latest within this period, together with the standard refund request petition, with the documents listed in the relevant sections of the Communiqué (the requested collateral). It is obligatory to apply to the tax offices (including guarantees in returns).

For refunds claimed using the CPA VAT Refund Certificate Report during these periods, the CPA Report must be submitted within six months from the end of the two calendar years following the period in which the transaction affected by the exemption took place. required to be submitted. If the CPA report is not submitted within this period, the surrender request will be reviewed immediately.

After the refund request deadline, you cannot request a refund by submitting a corrected return for the previous period or by submitting a standard refund request form and related documents. The documents required in the relevant section of the communiqué will be submitted on time, but any incompleteness in the content of these documents may be completed after this deadline.

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